I was reading someone else's blog and saw that there are things called "Teenager Posts" and that they are on tumblr and so I headed over there to see what Teenagers had to say.
*le sigh*
Really?! Really?! I am just baffled.
I give you, TeenagerPost #14308
What?! This is what is wrong with children today. I bet the "teenager" that posted this, if it was actually a teenager, has been using some kind of laptop/tablet/smartphone for more than half their life.
I didn't even own a computer until I was a sophomore in high school, I didn't have a smart phone until I was 21. I certainly knew what the sun looked like because I was OUTSIDE as a teenager. I played sports, and interacted with my friends (and I don't mean on Skype, or Google hangout). I get that we live in a technological world, and I love that kids and adolescents are engaged with technology, but seriously? This is what a teenager is worried about...tumblr shutting down?
I just can't handle it. Reading these posts make me feel really old...and I'm not even 30 yet. Thanks Tumblr and TeenagePosts!